Thanks Saurabh.
To read my review of Google Chrome click here
Let me know what you think about these sources of inspiration.
The Inspiration Behind The Logo Design of Google Chrome
It's not the official Thinkfree logo but is part of the installer that ships with the desktop version of Thinkfree Office 3.
Philipp Lenssen and Flickr members have come up with these illustrations to hint that the inspiration for Google Chrome logo may have come from Simon and Pokemon.
Earlier, Harry McCracken wrote about some similarities he found between the logo design of Google Chrome and that of Windows Vista - "No, the Chrome and Windows Vista logos are not true twins, but they're both round and shiny, with the same color scheme–red, green, yellow, and blue."
Am sure these all are mere coincidences but the Thinkfree designers probably aren't too happy about this and have made a 'parody' video on how the Google Chrome logo was designed.